MINDSET: Do you constantly compare yourself to others? READ THIS.

For probably all my teenage years I’d screenshot photos of models from random sources & store them in a phone folder titled “fitness”. Id forward them to friends saying “body goals”. At one point I made some VS angel my literal screensaver lol.

You know, for “motivation”, or whatever.

While self-appreciation teaches you to admire someone else’s qualities without questioning your own, it took me years to realise how this kinda constant scroll, screenshot, store, stare, compare routine wasn’t ever all that motivating, to be honest (what I originally intended it to be).

It just set me up for a constant demotivating feeling of ‘failure.’

Reasons being: 

⭐️ we forget the factual reality that even if every single one of us did the exact same workouts & had the exact same meals for forever & ever, we would still look completely different. We have diff limb lengths, fat storage, etc. GUYS even if I made my ENTIRE life’s purpose to look like the 6 foot 2 blonde Dutch insta chick I made my screensaver “goals”, my lil 5 foot Latina ass would forever have other plans 🤪

⭐️ We forget the factual reality that a lot of the people we inevitably compare ourselves to (those who are ‘published’) make a literal living off/highly prioritise/spend lot of time on their appearance: models, fitness pros, athletes, competitors, celebrities. 

👉🏼 it’s as if you were in your 1st year of uni, putting daily effort into your studies, & STILL compared your knowledge of the topic to your 68 year old-phd/masters/entire research-team-having lecturer who gets paid to teach it (whether or not s/he actually can is a diff story rofl if u know u know). It would never make your studying feel like “enough”

⭐️ And we forget the factual reality that we are infinitely better reframing our thoughts to make others’ strength, consistency, resilience or dedication (the process) your “goals”. Not the outcome. These things have at least some ground of fairness to ‘compare’, and they’re admirable!

When you say these things out loud, don’t they feel so obvious? they take the comparison’s power away! 

Wanna motivate yourself? The only FAIR & encouraging person to compare your “body goals” to is your own!


  1. Detox your social media! We spend a lot more time on these apps than we think! Take 20 minutes to do this, please! Be honest with yourself: how does that content make you feel? Why do you even follow it or consume it? Is it really “motivating”? Remember you can “mute” people instead of unfollowing them. 

  2. Write a list of qualities you admire about yourself. There is SO MUCH MORE TO YOU than your current body’s adherence to ever-changing random & often toxic beauty ideals. Add the qualities you admire about yourself into the “affirmations” part of your morning mindset! 

  3. If you’d like: Screenshot your detox’d social media & your list, share it in our private facebook group and/or on your stories tagging me (@adrianablancfit, @wearecapable_lifestyle, & your accountability buddy!). You never know who is watching your journey & can be massively inspired by you. 

Love you! You’re capable af. 


  • Are you intimidated by the “fitness world” or the gym? Read this!

  • Do you struggle with motivation? Read this!

  • Feeling like you “messed up” your eating? Read this!

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